LABEAURATOIRE - Beautiful Experimentation

A Smörgåsbord of Art, Photography & other Mumbo-Jumbo.

SEE the limited-edition magazineBROWSE
the exceedingly-eclectic gallery
READ the ever-erratic blogREAD
the ever-erratic blog
READ the ever-erratic blogSHOP
the uber-exclusive photo store

A misfit conglomeration of
artists and their
mind-exploding work.
(Coming Soon)
A mélange of photography and art-world reportage, featured artists, street-art findings, web discoveries, and interviews, with a healthy dose of
blatant self-promotion.
Fill your cart with
rare film, customized cameras, publications, and other photography paraphernalia.

All images are ©Labeauratoire unless otherwise noted, and not to be used without permission.