Royal Robot 24
LENS: Black Schneider-Kreuznach Tele-Xenar 75mm ƒ3.8

Diana Mini
Premier Cru (24x24)

CAMERA: Canon EOS Elan 7ne
LENS: Canon EF 40mm ƒ2.8 Pancake lens
Royal Robot 24
LENS: Black Schneider-Kreuznach Tele-Xenar 75mm ƒ3.8
II <<<
35mm Aerial Reconnaissance Film
extended red sensitivity!
1998 but
still giving good results.
ISO 100
rolls 20 exposures ea. = $15.00 (USD)
contact me for special or
combined shipping
--> full list of film available
is another very interesting film. Aerecon II is a 35mm film with
"extended red sensitivity," originally developed for use in "aerial
reconnaissance" missions. (Read "spying," and see below) This
will work similarly to normal Plus-X type B&W film in your regular
35mm still
camera, but it has a very thin "Estar" base and a very unique spectral
sensitivity offering plenty of room for experimentation with different
filters. Note: Some older cameras including "Rapid Cartridge" cameras
may not be best suited for this film due to its thinness. Be gentile
when winding it so it does not tear.
Here's what Kodak says:
PLUS-X AERECON II Film 3404 is a panchromatic, black-and-white negative
aerial film having extended red sensitivity and medium speed. This film
has fine grain and relatively high contrast and is intended for medium-
to high-altitude reconnaissance. Its ESTAR Thin Base provides
flexibility, moisture resistance, high tear resistance, and excellent
dimensional stability. This film has a dyed-gel backing for
antihalation protection and curl control and a thin, highly hardened
emulsion to permit more rapid processing at elevated temperatures
You can read
their full data sheet here.
unique film has been used in some "interesting" US Military projects
over the
years. Including the KH-8 Gambit 3 "Key Hole" sattelight, which ejected
canisters of this photographic film that were retrieved as they
descended through the atmosphere by parachute. - READ MORE
You can also see more pictures shot with this unique film in the:
Here's your chance to try out this exciting film.
I'm making some rolls available for your experimenting
pleasure. This batch expired in February 1998, but it still works
well as you can see from my test examples.
keeping these rolls inexpensive by
re-using old
film cassettes and sticking on an artsy label I've made just so you
know what's inside. Using a bulk loader I made rolls of approximately
20 exposures each, sometimes a bit more or less and as with most bulk
loaded film the very last picture of each roll will not be exposed as
that is where it is taped. This is NOT a stock product from
Kodak and I
am not proporting to represent that fine company in any manner.
My examples were all developed in Labeauratoire's
Caffenol Concoction for about 15 minutes at 20°c (or
68°f.) Some have had a sepia tone added in Photoshop.

Royal Robot 24
LENS: Black Schneider-Kreuznach Tele-Xenar 75mm ƒ3.8