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>> ORWO N74 plus <<<
35mm B&W Film - ISO 400
- DX coded - 27 exposures
3 rolls = $23.00 (plus shipping)

contact me for special or combined shipping

--> full list of film available <--

    This is FRESH FILM. Brand new, not expired cinematic film from ORWO / FilmoTec in Germany. This film is from a long tradition of fine photographic emulsions going back to 1910 and is still made on the site of the original factory in Wolfen. (OR WO comes from Original Wolfen) It is a black and white Motion Picture stock but works perfectly in most 35mm still cameras. (it is DX Coded as 400 but should be over-exposed a bit in low light) Previously only sold in large cans of 100 or 400 feet, I have cut it down in to convenient rolls of 27 exposures. Perfect for experimenting with this rarely-seen gem.

I have tested this film and you can see the results in the photos shown here.

FilmoTec Says:
The ORWO negative film N74 Plus is a high-speed black-and-white recording film for diverse applications. It is panchromatic sensitive and can be used for exterior and interior shots. Due both to its high sensitivity and wide exposure of scope, the N74 plus is suitable for filming in low light conditions. Preferred applications are documentaries, features and underwater cinematography and industrial. The application of N74 plus is also recommended, if required when shooting under low light conditions and high depth of field. The No. 74 plus is distinguished from its predecessors by much improved sliding characteristics, very low friction and excellent anti-static behavior.

    My Examples:
=> I have shot this film in many cameras and had excellent results developing in Rodinal, Promicrol and Caffenol (the sepia shots). I'm sure there are many developers that will work well with it.
I have also seen good results from pushing to ISO 1600

    This film is from a cinematic bulk roll I've spooled into used 35mm cassettes and made artsy labels based on the label on the original film canister - just so you'll know what's inside. Each roll is approximately 27 exposures. As with most bulk-rolled film, the last shot of each roll will not come out properly as it is taped to the spool.


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