>>>Kodak Kodalith<<< Super High Contrast
35mm Black & White Orthographic
Film 20 exposures each
expired 12/1991 ISO
- NO DX CODE - 1 rolls = $10.00 (USD) QUANTITY LEFT = 3 ROLLS
This is the
legendary, super-high contrast black & white film Kodalith.
You've probably heard of it. Lots of people are trying to replicate the
look of this rare film. But there's nothing quite like it.
Click this strip to see the Google image Search = Kodalith
This current stock is Kodalith Orthographic Film 6556 Type 3
You can use Kodak 1A Safelight to check development.
Works with
many different normal B&W developers.
I developed these examples using Caffenol so you're likely to see even
better results with just about any other developer. Here's a conversation about other developers.
(I'll post more results soon) Virtually
impossible to find in small quantities like these normal 35mm
cartridges. - Here's your chance to try it out for yourself! You will enjoy
trying it with your own experiments. Expired in
1991 so there are no guarantees, but many people are
enjoying the quirky results from long expired films.
I'm keeping these rolls inexpensive by
re-using old
film cassettes and sticking on an artsy label I've made just so you
know what's inside. Using a bulk loader I made rolls of approximately
20 exposures each, sometimes a bit more or less and as with most bulk
loaded film the very last picture of each roll will not be exposed as
that is where it is taped. This is NOT a stock product from Kodak and I
am not proporting to represent that fine company in any manner. There
is no DX code on this film.